Billeterie en ligne
Online videos were digitized with the support of the Regional Council of
Nord / Pas-de-Calais and digitization plans 2009 and 2010 of the french Ministry of Culture.


of DE MELLO Natalia

BELGIUM, 2004, 00:14:00

Production : DE MELLO Natalia
Genre : Filmed action, Video art
Keyword : action, Literature

Summary :
The sentence of Perec circulates and is knocked the words explode and scatter. We don't no, where the snake letters go like the blind woman in the video. The purpose is to try not to knock it…to live what is impossible

A woman with the bandaged eyes circulates in a warehouse in an unpredictable way. She crosses, climbing, penetrates, in elements left with the abandonment in the space of storage of decorations of spectacles and others… 

To knock itself is a video performance realized in 2004 and finished in 2006. This performance is based on the sentence of Georges Perec: To live is to pass from a space to the other while as much as a possible trying not to knock itself. 

puce to print

Original language : french
Original format : video
Aspect ratio : 4/3
Chroma : Couleur
Available version(s) : Version originale française

rental : 20 euros

Sale : 40 euros

Sale : 80 euros

puce order (temporary disposal of copys)

order (sale to corporate without loan of the copy)

puce order (Sale to corporate with permission to loan the copy)

Rental and sales of copies of the catalog are intended primarily for professionals (to cultural, educational stuctures and other associations), for more information read the section ordering