Billeterie en ligne
Online videos were digitized with the support of the Regional Council of
Nord / Pas-de-Calais and digitization plans 2009 and 2010 of the french Ministry of Culture.


of DELOEUIL Christian

FRANCE, 1982, 00:20:00

Production : MONAC 1
Genre : Documentary, Creative documentary
Keyword : Youth, Society

Summary :
How far can a group of young people accept the otherness of a marginal person they are trying to welcome among them ? We won't know a lot of things about him. He will depart just as mysteriously as he had come, leaving behind him wall paintings of stunning quality and that sentence painted on a garage door : "Music soothes the savage breast." His brief stay has disrupted that young microcosm. It gave those young people an opportunity to reveal their personality to each other. Some appear as intolerant, others as cowardly and some as braver than the rest. We are tempted to consider this film as a documentary fable. Indeed, it has that eternal quality that is found in all founding narratives, since it raises a question that is as old as humanity : difference.

puce to print

Original language : french
Original format : video, super 8
Aspect ratio : 4/3
Chroma : Couleur
Available version(s) : Version originale française

rental : 31 euros

Sale : 46 euros

Sale : 61 euros

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