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Saison culturelle oct > dec 2020

The programming of the cultural season from October to December 2020 is almost complete.
We decided to favor the postponement of the preprogrammed projections (when this was possible)

We can already announce a program like a breath of fresh air: necessary and stimulating.
An enriched program by offering you more "conference + screening" evenings, master classes and meetings:
Depeche Mode, Björk and MIA, Portuguese video art, dance with "Cunningham" and "Rize" a master class by Lech Kowalski and his documentary "On va tout péter", a Carte Blanche at Ina, the Bauhaus with the Goethe Institut, Le Mois du film documentaire and MusicVideoArt!, Your meeting around the documentary on music ...

Take a walk in the agenda.

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